*Note: The dice roll animations were hand-drawn by me using ProCreate on an iPad. While they sometimes fail to display properly, I liked them too much to remove them <3 

Decisions & Dilemmas (D&D) is a conceptual coaching aid that combines RPG-style character creation with dice rolls to simulate customer service role-play scenarios. 

In its real-world application, learners would be guided through D&D by a trainer to interpret the tool's numerical outcomes with intermittent discussion.  For example:

 “Where do you feel strongest in technical skills? Why do you feel less confident in social skills?”

 “Can you give an example of a customer who presents a social difficulty level of 6?”

 “Despite high social skills, you failed to overcome a social challenge. What do you think that failure looks like, and how would you avoid it in the future?”

Coaches can use this model to help employees build their own narrative around task performance, customer interactions, challenges, strategies for success, and even reflections on failure.

Developed in Articulate Storyline, the project uses states, variables, and GIF animations to present employees with a chance to build a character that reflects their professional strengths.

Integrated dice rolls are used to generate a customer with a random numerical value assigned to the Technical and Social challenge they present. The employee can then try to roll a higher value, adding bonuses based on their strengths, to determine if they succeed or fail at overcoming the Technical and Social challenges.

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